
Autism Acceptance Month 2022

A reminder for Autism Acceptance Month, and every month: Autistic individuals are not puzzles to be solved, or “fixed” to fit in. Autism is a different neurotype, and a part of the diversity of how our brains operate.

Listen to Autistic Voices

In addition, Autistic children grow into autistic adults. So with April around the corner, which is known to be Autism Acceptance Month (moving past awareness). I hope this serves as a reminder to those in allied health and education to move forward in advocacy to listen and support autistic voices.

So, here are some questions for reflection: What does your community look like?

Questions for Autism Acceptance Month

Do you have sensory-friendly spaces and medical providers that provide accommodations?
Similarly, are there daycares that accept kids that may not sit during circle time? Childcare for children that may not be potty trained yet?

Next, are there adequate IEP advocates or resources for home-schooling?
Opportunities for authentic play and to connect with others?

What about support for parents of ND children? Accommodations in churches and spiritual settings? Mental health support for autistic adults?

As an occupational therapist, there are lots of opportunities to learn, collaborate and make small changes in the community. Awareness and acceptance can come with action. I can do better for the families that I support, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

So, as more of the profession moves from awareness to acceptance, and to supporting autistic-led initiatives, there holds an opportunity to greater access in health care, education, housing, employment, joy, and connection throughout our communities.

Share or comment below if you’re ready for that change 💛

Dr. Diamond

Check out these autistic-led organizations for more information!
Autism Self Advocacy Network
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network
