When children are overwhelmed, it’s important to think about regulation.
Think of Regulation as an ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience. So in addition to a child’s ability to process the eight senses, a child’s regulation can also be impacted by:
- Barriers in access to communication
- Self-Esteem
- Just Right Challenge
- Autonomy and lack of opportunity to choose
- Difficulty understanding instructions or processing instructions
Examples of Dysregulation
- Increased silliness (may appear overtired to the point of a “second wind”)
- Shutdown – will not respond to prompts or turns body away
- Begins to throw self on the floor, hit the wall, hit self or others
- Decreased frustration tolerance ( everything feels overwhelming)
Delayed Meltdowns
You may see them coming, or it can appear “out of nowhere”. Events that morning, the day prior, or weekend prior can also impact regulation. Other factors include: Sleep, Hunger, Breathing & Allergies, Activities at School or Daycare, Doctors Visits, Disruptions in Routine (Major or Minor; negative or positive), growth spurts, illnesses, and more.
Often times we can experiences many of these at once, or layered over time. Children are similar. When we reach that boiling point, even things that usually don’t bother us can make someone cry.
Whether it’s events from the morning, or the day or week before, it’s helpful to keep these areas in mind for grace & connection.
Dr. Diamond, Pediatric Occupational Therapist