OT Education

OTD: Going Back to School

When I decided to go back to school in 2018, I wanted to further my leadership skills, open pathways to be a mentor, to teach one day, and work in the community in creative ways. And going back for my OTD (doctorate in occupational therapy) has transformed my career. Even better, it’s reignited my passion and purpose that was already there.

Degrees, skills, and experience can open doors, but at the end of the day, it’s you that walks through them. You got this!

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OTD Journey

Everyone’s journey is different, make it your own.

I choose to get my MHSOT first for several reasons, but mainly due to finances. I wanted to take out as little student loans as possible and be close to home. My first-choice school had scholarships and allowed me to use some state-level grants.

Even though I knew I wanted to teach one day, I felt more comfortable with a shorter program, where I could start working as soon as possible.

It may seem like the OT progression is moving towards a doctorate level, but your walk is your own. Consider what will work for you and move down that path with confidence.

When Considering MSOT vs. OTD (entry-level)

  • What are your long-term goals?
  • Tuition price points
  • Housing & location
  • Interest in post-professional education
  • Interest in teaching
  • Length of program

If you are a student who needs support in choosing your path, or is interested in learning more about OT, or getting an OTD, book a meeting with me!

Dr. Diamond
